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Oldham County, Kentucky: Suit Filed Against Former Mayor Of LaGrange, Kentucky Over Missing City Records & Second Suit Over Sale Of City Property

Thumbnail image for 1038828_u_s__supreme_court_2.jpg Two lawsuits have been recently filed in Oldham County Kentucky Circuit Court. One is against the former Mayor of LaGrange, Kentucky alleging that the Mayor either removed or caused to be removed, records belonging to the city and pertaining to the city’s business. The second lawsuit alleges that the City of LaGrange improperly sold a home it owned, which was assessed at $85,000.00, to a man for only $14,711.00. Both cases involve active of the former Mayor of the City.

Case which allege or involve potential abuses by government officials can be reported by government employees to proper authorities without the threat of retaliation, even if the allegations prove that no wrong doing existed. Such government employees are protected when making these reports by the Kentucky Whistleblower laws. These laws are designed to encourage people to report suspected abuses or illegal activities which involve government.

For more information on Kentucky’s Whistleblower laws or the rights of people who report wrongful acts by the government (City/State/various other braches of government), contact Kentucky whistleblower attorney Brent T. Ackerson and the Ackerson Law Offices at (502) 822-5176 or contact on line by by clicking hereBrent Ackerson directly.

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