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Two Christian County Kentucky Teens Killed In Anderson County Crash

A tragic and fatal accident occurred in Anderson County, Kentucky, as four teenagers were traveling home to Christian County, Kentucky, after watching a high school basketball game. The four high school students were traveling in a 2010 Nissan pickup truck which collided with the back end of a semi tractor trailer that had parked in an emergency lane. Two of the teenagers were seriously injured. One teenage, Dequavius Weaver, age 16, died at the scene of the crash, and another teenager, 17 year old Jacob Blankenship, was transported to UK Hospital where he died there from the injuries sustained in the accident. Josh Harbold, age 16, and Dendrick Holmes, are hospitalized due to their injuries.

In a case such as this, where two are killed and 2 others seriously injured, the primary concern from a legal perspective is will there be enough insurance coverage to afford justice to those injured and the families of the killed. It becomes complicated and ever insurance policy, including many that most would not consider as possibly affording coverage must be examined to insure that the victims get the fullest amount of justice afforded under the law.

The legal claims from this accident will be both Kentucky Personal Injury Claims and Kentucky Wrongful Death Claims. The damages will vary form victim to victim based upon the facts specific to each victim. Information about the legal rights of persons injured in Kentucky auto accidents and the legal rights of families who have lost a loved one in a Kentucky auto accident can be found from the Ackerson Law Offices. (

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