
U.S. 25 Near London, Kentucky Head-On Crash Kills One & Injuries Four

A severe Kentucky Car Crash occurred Wednesday evening just south of London, Kentucky. The auto accident occurred on U.S. 25 around 6:30 p.m. when a Ford Focus crossed into the lane of oncoming traffic to avoid a vehicle that had stop to off of northbound U.S. 25 onto Fariston Road. Once the Ford Focus entered the lane of oncoming traffic, it collided head-on with a Chevy Cobalt traveling southbound on U.S. 25. The woman driving the Ford Focus was transported to a London hospital, where she died from her injuries. The four people in the Chevy Cobalt were transported to hospitals for their injuries.

Accidents like this demonstrate the need and importance of leaving plenty of distance between the vehicle driving in front of your vehicle. Kentucky law requires a minimum of two car lengths between vehicles, but even then, factoring in speed and road conditions, such a distance may not leave a driver with adequate time to adjust of compensate for a sudden stop in front of them. Kentucky drivers owe a duty to other drivers to drive safely and cautiously to avoid having accidents. This legal duty would include affording safe traveling distances between cars. The driver of the Ford Focus wrongly entered the lane of oncoming traffic, not intentionally, but rather out of what may have been necessity to avoid hitting the car in front of her. However, this judgment caused the loss of her life and seriously injuries four others.

This is a tragedy for all involved, and a lesson for all drivers to be overly cautious, and leave as much distance between your vehicle and the one in front of you as possible. That extra difference could save lives and is required under Kentucky law.

For more information on the rights and duties of Kentucky Drivers, and rights of persons injured in Kentucky motor vehicle accidents, visit the Ackerson Law Offices website ( or call Kentucky injury attorney Brent T. Ackerson for a free consult. (502) 882-5176. Here is a link to information on Kentucky Personal Injury matters. (Accidents & Personal Injury).

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